News & Press

Satisfied Customers

  “Rogers & Brown has been working with Mercedes longer than I have been here, but I can speak of the last three years where they have done exceptional work for us. They are adaptive to our demands and able to produce consistently strong performance in an often challenging environment. Dealing with variables such as…

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Finished Vehicle Logistics

Always Handling Your Products With Care We are here to ensure that your finished vehicles are shipped efficiently, without error and at a price you can afford. With all of the complexities and challenges of delivering a vehicle, we want to eliminate the stress and take it upon ourselves to make sure it is a…

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Verified Gross Mass (VGM) Best Practices

The Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) amendment requires that a Verified Gross Mass (VGM) must be submitted for a container prior to being loaded onto a vessel and this will go into effect July 1, 2016.  Of course, there are concerns on how this process will work as this will affect all members of the shipping community. This week…

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We are a certified and validated member of Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism.